TOPS: Any solid color shirt with collar. Shirt must be tucked in.
BOTTOMS: Solid color shorts in khaki or navy blue at knee length. Solid color pants in khaki or navy blue fastened at the waist. Solid color skirts/dresses at knee length. Girls should wear shorts or leggings under dresses at all times.
NOT PERMITTED: NO ripped or torn clothing or colored uniform shorts.
COLD WEATHER : Jackets/Sweaters must zip or button. Sweatshirts may NOT be worn unless the weather dictates the need.
SHOES: Sneakers or closed toe shoes with socks. Flip--flops, thong shoes, slippers, crocs, foam runners, or opened toe shoes are not permitted.
Código de vestimenta
CAMISA: cualquier camisa de color sólido con cuello. La camisa debe estar por dentro.
PANTALONES CORTOS: pantalones cortos de color sólido en caqui o azul marino a de la rodilla.
PANTALONES: pantalones de color sólido en color caqui o azul marino con cinto/correa en la cintura.
ZAPATOS: Zapatillas de deporte o zapatos cerrados con calcetines. No se permiten chanclas, zapatos de tirantes, zapatillas ni zapatos con punta abierta.