Colonial is an i-Ready school. It provides the data-driven insights that classroom teachers need to determine exactly where to focus instructional time to ensure all students are on track to meet rigorous expectations and to succeed.

Here at Colonial "Super Heroes Soaring to Success", and this year's iReady incentive celebrates student progress with these colorful charms.

Colonial Elementary is also a Positive Behavior Support (PBS) school. PBS methods are researched-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence to problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance.

Imagine Learning is a supplemental computer-based English language learning program specifically designed to meet the needs of a diverse ELL student population.

Guided Reading Initiative
Colonial Elementary teachers are trained in implementing "Guided Reading" literacy strategies. Teachers provide students one on one support and small group explicit instruction in foundational reading skills using high interest leveled readers and highly effective research-based guided reading strategies.